Sunday, March 22, 2009

Weekend march 20-22

fri: hiking at table mountain, was very snowy/windy/cold, no footprints

sat: went hiking with susan and some friends, short hikes

sun: side job 

the last full "week" at my job, i will be ecstatic to have all that free time between april 1 to when i leave, it will be good time to get my legs conditioned well.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

3 weeks

3 weeks sick, havent been exercising too much on the weekends, i feel im almost better but i felt dizzy the entire day today and had very little energy, if im not better by next weekend ill have to go to the doctor...

This weekend i took a crevasse rescue class to prepare for mt rainier with jordan & jamie, it was very informative, the mazamas have been very helpful, hopefully the weather will be clear for at least one weekend so we can give it a shot before i leave.  it has snowed over 2 feet in the mountains since yesterday, if this keeps up we wont have much of a low snow year...