friday: turned in my passport application
saturday morning: tommy and justin went to mt hood with me, it was very crowded and as i traversed the hard part to the "old chute" route and was getting pummeled by falling ice from the climbers above me, i decided i would turn around and come back again, earlier in the day as to avoid the large amount of icefall i (my helmet) experienced. it was a little frustrating to have completed the traverse and nearly be at the summit, but i am more safety minded than i used to be... at least it was good exercise, especially since i decended ~1000 ft to meet up with tommy and justin and regained it... today i am feeling well, im feeling more confident in the condition of my knees, which are my main worry area of getting injured..
Om nom nom nom I'm making an insignificant post to appease you. Watch out for icefall! Ok I'm done.